Sample Permitted Investments Language

• Includes “rebate-exempt” Qualified Municipal Securities.

• Includes AAA rated non-full faith and credit US Government Agency Securities.

• Includes commercial paper.

“Permitted Investments” means any of the following which at the time of investment are legal investments under the laws of the State for the moneys proposed to be invested therein (the Trustee is entitled to conclusively rely upon any direction of the Obligor as a certification that such investment constitutes a Permitted Investment):

A. Direct obligations of the United States of America (including obligations issued or held in book-entry form on the books of the Department of the Treasury, and CATS and TIGRS) or obligations the principal of and interest on which are unconditionally guaranteed by the United States of America.

B. Bonds, debentures, notes or other evidence of indebtedness issued or guaranteed by any of the following federal agencies and provided such obligations are backed by the full faith and credit of the United States of America (stripped securities are only permitted if they have been stripped by the agency itself):

1. U.S. Export-Import Bank (Eximbank)

Direct obligations or fully guaranteed certificates of beneficial ownership

2. Farmers Home Administration (FmHA)

Certificates of Beneficial Ownership

3. Federal Financing Bank

4. Federal Housing Administration Debentures (FHA)

5. General Services Administration

Participation Certificates

6. Government National Mortgage Association (GNMA or Ginnie Mae)

GNMA - guaranteed mortgage-backed bonds

GNMA - guaranteed pass-through obligations

7. U.S. Maritime Administration

Guaranteed Title XI financing

8. U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)

Project Notes

Local Authority Bonds

New Communities Debentures - U.S. government guaranteed debentures

U.S. Public Housing Notes and Bonds - U.S. government guaranteed

public housing notes and bonds

C. Bonds, debentures, notes or other evidence of indebtedness issued or guaranteed by any federal agencies which are not backed by the full faith and credit of the United States of America (stripped securities are only permitted if they have been stripped by the agency itself) including but not limited to the following:

1. Federal Home Loan Bank System

Senior debt obligations

2. Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (FHLMC or Freddie Mac)

Participation Certificate

Senior debt obligations

3. Federal National Mortgage Association (FNMA or Fannie Mae)

Mortgage-backed securities and senior debt obligations

4. Student Loan Marketing Association (SLMA or Sallie Mae)

Senior debt obligations

5. Resolution Funding Corp. (REFCORP) obligations

6. Farm Credit System

Consolidated system wide bonds and notes

D. Money market funds registered under the Federal Investment Company Act of 1940, whose shares are registered under the Federal Securities Act of 1933, and having a rating by S&P of AAAm-G; AAA-m; or AA-m and if rated by Moody's rated Aaa, Aal, or Aa2.

E. Certificates of deposit secured at all times by collateral described in (A) and/or (B) above. Such certificates must be issued by commercial banks, savings and loan associations or mutual savings banks.  The collateral must be held by a third party and the bondholders must have a perfected first security interest in the collateral.

F. Certificates of deposit, savings accounts, deposit accounts or money market deposits which are fully insured by FDIC, including BIF and SAIF, or fully collateralized with securities in categories (A) and/or (B), above.

G. Investment Agreements, including GIC's, Forward Purchase Agreements and Reserve Fund Put Agreements acceptable to the Insurer.

H. Commercial paper rated, at the time of purchase, “Prime -1” by Moody's and “A-1” or better by S&P.

I. Bonds or notes issued by any state or municipality which are rated by Moody's and S&P in one of the two highest rating categories assigned by such rating agencies.

J. Federal funds or bankers acceptances with a maximum term of one year of any bank which has an unsecured, uninsured and unguaranteed obligation rating of “Prime - 1” or “A3” or better by Moody's and “A-l” or “A” or better by S&P.

K. Repurchase Agreements (“Repos”) for 30 days or less must follow the following criteria. Repos which exceed 30 days must be acceptable to the Insurer (criteria available upon request).
Repos provide for the transfer of securities from a dealer bank or securities firm (seller/borrower) to a municipal entity (buyer/lender), and the transfer of cash from a municipal entity to the dealer bank or securities firm with an agreement that the dealer bank or securities firm will repay the cash plus a yield to the municipal entity in exchange for the securities at a specified date.

1. Repos must be between the municipal entity and a dealer bank or securities firm.

a. Primary dealers on the Federal Reserve reporting dealer list which are rated A or better by S&P and A2 or better by Moody's, or

b. Banks rated “A” or better by S&P and A2 or better by Moody's.

2. The written repurchase agreement must include the following:

a. Securities which are acceptable for transfer are:

(1) Direct obligations of the United States of America referred to in Section A above, or

(2) Obligations of federal agencies referred to in Section B above

(3) Obligations of FNMA and FHLMC

b. The term of the Repos may be up to 30 days.

c. The collateral must be delivered to the municipal entity, trustee (if trustee is not supplying the collateral) or third party acting as agent for the trustee is (if the trustee is supplying the collateral) before/simultaneous with payment (perfection by possession of certificated securities).

d.  Valuation of Collateral.

(1) The securities must be valued weekly, marked-to-market at current market price plus accrued interest.

(2) The value of collateral must be equal to 104% of the amount of cash transferred by the municipal entity to the dealer bank or security firm under the repo plus accrued interest. If the value of securities held as collateral slips below 104% of the value of the cash transferred by the municipal entity, then additional cash and/or acceptable securities must be transferred. If, however, the securities used as collateral are FNMA or FHLMC, then the value of collateral must equal 105%.

3. A legal opinion which must be delivered to the municipal entity that states that the Repo meets guidelines under state law for legal investment of public funds.